Hymn Festival Sponsored by FOKO and the AGO

Where: Merrill Auditorium
Sunday, November 16th, 3pm
Description: This spectacular event was a joint effort between the Portland Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and the Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ to help celebrate the triumphant return of the Kotzschmar Organ. Nothing can compare to the boisterous singing of hymns in festive arrangements by a large group of musicians! Over 300 singers particiapted and more than 9 organists/choir directors were there to celebrate along with Ray Cornills.
And if that wasn't enough, there was the Salvation Army New York Staff Band and, of course, the mighty Organ. The Brass was enough to make your feet stamp along with killer beats, and the organ rattled your bones and shook dust out of every corner!
There could not have been a better sunday afternoon!
If you missed it, think aobut coming next year, or better yet think about joining the AGO at their next event!